Special issue: Responsible writing in science
In tro duc tion: Co bas 6000 (Roc he, Ger ma ny) is bioc he mis try ana lyzer for spec trop ho to met ric, im mu no tur bi di met ric and io n-se lec ti ve de ter mi nation of bioc he mi cal ana lytes. He re by we pre se nt ana lytical va li da tion wi th em pha sis on met hod per for man ce jud gme nt for rou ti ne ope ra tion. Ma te ria ls and met ho ds: Va li da tion was ma de for 30 ana lytes (me ta bo li tes, en zymes, tra ce ele men ts, speci fi c pro tei ns and elec tro lytes). Re sear ch in clu ded de ter mi na tion of withi n-run (N = 20) and be twee n-run im precision (N = 30), inac cu ra cy (N = 30) and met hod com pa ri son wi th rou ti ne ana lyzer (Bec kman Coul ter AU640) (N = 50). For va li da tion of com ple te ana lyti cal pro ce ss we cal cu la ted to tal er ror (TE). Re sul ts we re jud ged ac cording to qua li ty spe ci fi ca tion cri te ria gi ven by Eu ro pean Wor ki ng Group. Re sul ts: Wit hi n-run im pre ci sion CVs we re all be low 5% exce pt for cho les te rol, trig lyce ri des, IgA and IgM. Be twee n-run CVs for all ana lytes we re be low 10%. Ana lytes that did not meet the requi red spe ci fi ca tio ns for im pre ci sion we re: to tal pro tein, al bu min, cal cium, so dium, chlo ri de, im munog lo bu li ns and HDL cho les te rol. Ana lytes that did not ful fi ll requi re men ts for inac cu ra cy we re: to tal pro tein, cal cium, so dium and chlo ri de. Ana lytes that de via ted from qua li ty spe ci fi ca tio ns for to tal er ror were: to tal pro tein, al bu min, cal cium, so dium, chlo ri de and IgM. Pas si ng-Bab lok reg res sion ana lysis pro vi ded li near equa tion and 95% con fi den ce in ter val for in ter ce pt and slo pe. Com ple te ac cor dan ce with rou ti ne ana lyzer Bec kman Coul ter AU640 showed sma ll num ber of ana lytes. Ot her ana lytes showed sma ll pro por tio nal and/or sma ll con sta nt diff e ren ce and the re fo re need to be adjus ted for rou ti ne ope ra tion. Con clu sio ns: Re gar di ng low CV va lues, tes ted analyzer has sa tis fac to ry ac cu ra cy and pre ci sion and is extre me ly stab le. Exce pt for ana lytes that are co he re nt on bo th ana lyze rs, so me ana lytes requi re ad jus tmen ts of slo pe and in ter ce pt for com ple te ac cor dan ce. Key wor ds: vali da tion stu dy; che mis try tec hniques, ana lyti cal; Co bas 6000 ana lyzer; to tal er ror; Pas si ng and Bab lo ck reg res sion
منابع مشابه
Special issue: Responsible writing in science
All types of manuscripts should contain an abstract. An abstract of 250 words maximum should be provided on a separate page in the Manuscript file (abstract only, without authors and affiliation). The abstract of an original article should be structured into four headings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusions. For other article types, abstracts do not have to be structu...
متن کاملSpecial issue: Responsible writing in science
Evidence indicates that plagiarism amongst biomedical students is fairly common (1-3). Because the oH enses in question usually involve academic assignments, they are typically classiL ed as instances of academic dishonesty. Such transgressions can result in negative consequences for the student and these can range from failure for the assignment to expulsion from the university. When plagiaris...
متن کاملSpecial issue: Responsible writing in science
©Copyright by Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Received...
متن کاملSpecial issue: Responsible writing in science
©Copyright by Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. http://d...
متن کاملResponsible authorship and peer review.
In this article the basic principles of responsible authorship and peer review are surveyed, with special emphasis on (a) guidelines for refereeing archival journal articles and proposals; and (b) how these guidelines should be taken into account at all stages of writing.
متن کاملSpecial issue: Responsible writing in science
Platelet satellitism (PS) is a rare phenomenon observed in blood smears obtained from blood anticoagulated with EDTA. It is characterised by platelet rosetting around polymorphonuclear neutrophils and in rare cases around other blood cells. PS is a rare cause of pseudothrombocytopenia. References about the phenomenon of PS in medical literature are few. In this report we describe a case of PS f...
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تاریخ انتشار 2011